Donate Qurbani / Udhiya


ICNA Relief Canada can help you perform the gift of sacrifice in one of
the 20 countries listed below, ensuring that the meat from your
contribution goes directly to the deserving families of that locality. We
involve local communities in performing the Qurbani sacrifice and
ensure that fresh meat is distributed on-site after the Eid prayer.

Please donate and offer your Qurbani sacrifices this year with ICNA Relief Canada.

Automate Your Donation During First Ten Days of Dhul Hijjah


Here are the multiple ways in which you can donate.

1. Online

You can donate online, via our easy donation basket system

2. Phone

By calling our Head Office at (905) 997-8777 or toll free at +1 844-997-8777

3. Mail

By sending us a cheque. Please click here for the map and address.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said,

“A believer who performs Qurbani in sincerity will reap a reward for every hair of the animal he/she sacrifices.” (Tirmidhi)


1. Teamwork

We receive your donations & ensure the Qurbani is performed on time in your country of choice through our partners in 19 countries.

2. Qurbani with Compassion

ICNA Relief Canada ensures that along the chain everything is done ethically and with compassion. This is so deserving people receive your kindness.

3. Share the Joy and Endless Smiles

With your help, fellow Muslims from around the world enjoy fresh meat this Eid


You can donate your Qurbani on behalf of you and your loved ones, alive and deceased


What is Qurbani/Udhiya and why is it important?

Udhiya/Qurbani is an act of worship practiced by Muslims. It is highly recommended Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). It is performed by affording Muslims who are not going for Hajj. It is done once each year during the season of Hajj (Pilgrimage) to commemorate the action of our Prophet Ibrahim (A.S), and the incident when Allah tested Ibrahim’s faith by first asking him to sacrifice his own son but then seeing Ibrahim’s willingness to obey without hesitation, replacing it with a ram (sheep) instead.

Who is obligated to do Qurbani/Udhiya?

Udhiya/Qurbani is obligatory on all sane, Muslim, adults who are also eligible to pay the Annual Zakat (Zakat-ul-Maal).

Who does my Qurbani/Udhiya benefit?

Udhiya/Qurbani orders placed via ICNA Relief Canada help to benefit the very poor and needy of a community in one of the countries you place the order for.

How can I place my order(s)?
ICNA Relief Canada provides a few convenient ways to place your Udhiya/Qurbani orders.
You may:
1. Do so securely and quickly via our website (most recommended): [Note: VISA/Mastercard/AMEX required]
2. Mail or drop off a Cheque (payable to ICNA Relief Canada) to our Head Office along with a completed pledge form from the Pocket Mailer Ad you received.
Provide the relevant details about your order (like country, number of goats or number of cow shares, your contact details such as your name, phone, address, email, etc. on a piece of paper)
Please do NOT mail cash.
3. Drop by our Head Office or one of our 10 Resource Center/Food Bank Locations and pay by Cash, Cheque, Debit/Credit Cards [Note: Debit/Credit Payment Terminals only available at Head Office]
4. Call us at (905) 997-8777 or toll free at +1 844-997-8777 to schedule other arrangements

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) can be found by clicking here.

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