Disaster &
Emergency Relief

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Disaster &
Emergency Relief

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About Our Disaster & Emergency Relief Program

ICNA Relief Canada endeavours to respond as quickly and effectively as possible to major international emergency and disaster situations by providing humanitarian aid in essentials such as: food, safe water, shelter, medical assistance and educational resources. Over the years, we have developed a reliable and growing network of local and regional NGOs (independent non-governmental organizations) who assist us in the delivery of our programs. During 2017, we raised awareness and funding to provide aid and relief for the following disasters and emergencies:

  • Violence and Civil Unrest in Myanmar/Burma Rohingya Crises
  • Syrian Civil War
  • BC Wildfires
  • Hurricanes Harvey and Irma

2022 Pakistan Emergency Flood Appeal:

Since mid-June, 2022, heavy rains triggered flash floods across much of Pakistan, killing at least 903 people. The dead include women, elderly and 326 children. Moreover, 95,350 h0mes were also destroyed and swept away, leaving families forced to live in tents far away from their villages and towns. A further 504,000 of the nation’s livestock were killed, and over 129 bridges were damaged.

As an immediate response to the Pakistan Flood Emergency, ICNA Relief Canada provided immediate relief to affected areas such as southwestern Balochistan and Sindh and Eastern Punjab provinces. We responded to the disaster by providing food packs, hygiene kits, temporary shelters and other emergency supplies to thousands of affected families.

Your support today can save the lives of countless vulnerable families in disaster and emergency situations. Please donate to our ongoing emergency appeals and provide urgent relief for all of those affected.

Other International Projects You Can Help On

Bangladesh Flood Relief

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Uyghur Relief

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Water For Life

ICNA Relief Canada’s Water for Life program seeks to make clean water…

Rohingya Relief

Over a million Rohingya have been displaced and need your support…


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Orphan Sponsorship

The sponsoring of an orphan is one of the greatest deeds a Muslim could fulfill…

Palestine Relief

Palestinians have been the victims of violence and urgent support is needed to aid the victims of these attacks.

Earthquake Relief

A 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck Turkey and northern Syria