ICNA Relief Canada is
on the Ground in Palestine
Donate for Palestine
ICNA Relief Canada is on the Ground in Palestine
Donate for Palestine

New Emergency Appeal

Palestinian civilians of Jenin (West Bank) and Gaza have recently experienced continued airstrikes, raids, and violent attacks. These attacks have killed tens of people and injured hundreds. Moreover, entire neighbourhoods have been destroyed leaving widespread destruction. ICNA Relief Canada is responding by providing emergency medical support, as well as urgent food and shelter.

ICNA Relief Canada’s Work in Palestine:

Over the last few years, ICNA Relief Canada has been on the ground in Palestine, and providing millions of dollars of aid in the form of: Emergency Food Baskets, Cash Support, Ambulance Services, as well as Hospital Supplies.

After suffering decades of violence and human rights violations, Palestinians continue to feel unsafe in their own country. The economy has been damaged by political instability and constant violence. The blockades continue to cause chaos on a daily basis.

Please continue to ease the difficulties of our brothers and sisters in Palestine through your generous donations towards our active Relief Programs.

Project Images

Hot Meal Distribution Gaza 2021

Gaza Relief 2021

Shuhadaa Alaqsa Hospital

Ambulance Relief

Medical Supplies

Dar Al-Salam Hospital

Food Distribution

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